a. Check File name:

· Remove any unsupported characters \ , / , : , * , ? ,  " , < , > , | , # ,  %)

· Rename the file

b. Stop and Restart Syncing library:

· To stop syncing a library select the One Drive for Business icon at the bottom of your screen right-click and then select Stop syncing a folder

· Select the folder you want to stop syncing, and then select Stop syncing

· When you stop syncing a folder, the folder is disconnected from its library and go to actual SharePoint folder on your pc and delete the folder

· To start syncing a library select the OneDrive for Business icon at the bottom of your screen right-click and then select Sync a new library

· Select Sync a different library instead

· Enter your SharePoint site (e.ge. https://contoso.sharepoint.com)

· Select the library from the list and click Sync

· Waiting to sync all your files (see green light)